Getty upload site tip

Quick tip if you upload images to the Getty site-
I’m uploading clients images to the Getty upload portal, and as usual its like wading through treacle.
Multiple text fields with only a selection needed to be filled in and an irregular acceptance of text in each field means lots of extra work to get the data to stick.

The solution – Use the tab key starting at the top field, just tab through the fields you don’t need to fill in, the data sticks each time doh!

BBC pays Getty for photo of own building

Whilst sending a tea boy out to take a snap doesn’t sound particularly right (do tea boys exist?) it does show how the large libraries have successfully setup the mindset of picture buyers.

Of course its not quite as simple as this, the BBC could well have a fixed deal where they pay a set fee to Getty and so sending someone outside would just add to costs, are you old enough to remember when things were a bit more simple?


Processing large quantities of images for output levels

As some of you know Im not too keen on Image Libraries such as Getty and Corbis asking for attenuated output levels on submissions (Getty ask for 3-252 for instance).

Continue to use the full bandwidth if needed in your Master files, with proper colour management any CMYK you make for your own projects will handle the range through colour management.

Given that libraries ask for these compromised files however I have been developing a windows program that can sort large collections of images and automatically place them into 4 folders for processing to required output levels. This pre selection process allows images that are already in the legal range to be left alone and images that have just illegal highlights or shadows put into separate directories with the last directory being for images with illegal values at both ends of the range. Files in these folders can them be processed though my special “legal levels” actions that acheive the required levels without compromising mid tone contrast.

I will be mainly using this program to process clients images when they request files for agency submission, I am however prepared to sell the program for your own use at a cost of £60+VAT. More details to follow.

Getty Upload Portal

The Getty upload portal is alive and working now.
I have been very impressed with the quality of the thought and functionality in the interface, there is no doubt that the team at Getty have done a good job.

A few related notes:

1. Clients can use Quality 12 Jpegs derived from the Getty tiffs workflow to upload to the portal instead of burning them to CD/DVD.

2. You will need to place a short caption in the headline field. In general this is usually the first sentence of the main caption.

As you know Im keen that your Master Tiffs collection use only Industry Standard IPTC so with this in mind I would advise that you change the keywords on the Getty tiff/Jpegs to reflect their need for up to 5 conceptual keywords but retain the full keywords in your Master Tiff files.

Retain you Master Tiffs but delete the Getty tiffs/jpegs once you have had the result of the edit.

Any questions? – get in touch

Getty Images sold

Well it looks like its finished thinking about its self and decided that a sale to a private equity firm Hellman and Friedman is the way forward. (Hell and Fried – man!), £1.2 billion is the price paid.

To be fair the firm does have an understanding of internet properties so it will be interesting to see what happens…..


Getty workflow improvements

Teriffic news for all clients using my custom actions to prepare Getty legal files from their Master tiffs. As of the first of this month you no longer have to process the resulting Getty tiffs to Submission Jpegs using the Prelight tool.

This change means that I can now edit your actions to create Submission Jpegs directly and therby eliminate the last manual step.

There is a new version of Prefilght you can download which just checks that certain aspects of the submission files conform to Getty requirements, feel free to download this from Getty.

Until I get round to you please carry on with the current workflow (this is still ok with Getty).


Getty exploring strategic alternatives

According to PDN, Getty is having a think about itself:
I wonder what it is thinking? It is a profitable business and it does provide an income for myself and other photographers so lets hope its thinking happy thoughts.

With the cold season still upon us and the banking industry admitting its hopeless at handling money (again)its not a good tiime to make rash descisions.


Getty deadline for Digital Submissions

If you are a Getty photographer and would like help with meeting the April deadline for digital only submissions then please feel free to get in touch. I can help on a one to one basis to ensure that your new work is up to the required technical standards and provide training to help keep these standards.

Whether you would like a second opinion on a new submission or have no electronic imaging experience at all and need to start from the beginning I can help.

Tel: 01263 825277 or 020 7871 7519
Skype: copyrightimage