
“Dynasties” is a major new BBC wildlife documentary series featuring David Attenborough and due for transmission soon. Going by the trailers it looks to be a fascinating and emotional series.

I was delighted to be entrusted to help work on the book of the series and prepare all the photography and video stills inside for reproduction.

This dedicated “Image grading” means carefully, individually and consistently working on each video frame used as well as images from stills cameras to keep an even and high standard in reproduction.

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Client Guidance: Photoshop 2019 ver. 20.0.0

The newest version of Photoshop CC is now available via the Creative Cloud update program. Just a few points to consider before upgrading:

Some useful performance improvements evident in this new release. I have not had time to go through all the changes so don’t have a full report yet, here is a rundown of the main points for working users:

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