Client Story: Disney Nature

Disney Nature’s new film “Penguins” coming Earth Day 2019 looks like a lot of fun, you can watch the trailer via facebook using this link.

It was lovely working on the preliminary stills for the production, I worked from some very well shot raw files and used my split grading technique to retain all the highlight and shadow detail that is present in nature (but can otherwise get compressed in the photographic and repro process).

Presenting Disney with “file sets” ensures that each image is available in a suitable form for archiving (16bit Master tiff with no sharpening), delivery files (8 bit sharpened), CMYK versions for print and sRGB versions for web and screen use.

These dedicated delivery files ensure that the image is presented as well as it can be on the different media and with a consistency that is the hallmark of a good production.

Always a pleasure to help out Disney Nature with their productions, great people to work with (thanks Matt).

Working together again after 21 years

It was lovely to have Roz Woodward from All Things Image ( here for a colour management workshop this week.

Roz and I last worked together at Tony Stone Images in the Creative Imaging department at about the time it morphed into Getty Images. Roz is a very creative retoucher and producer and was keen to extend her knowledge of colour management and process to help improve the workflow for her clients.

Roz has recently invested in an Eizo CG2730 monitor after going through 2 models and 3 samples of BenQ pro photography monitors that failed to be consistent in colour across the screen (we are very sensitive to colour!). Eizo of course are masters of colour consistency so I’m confident the new purchase will serve her and her clients well.

It’s nice to break up retouching work with helping others, if you feel you or your staff would benefit from some Imaging training then please feel free to get in touch.