One of the larger projects I have been working on earlier this year was the image grading and colour prep on the stills images for the BBC presentation of
The Hunt (airs tonight BBC1 9pm).
I was very pleased to be asked by the producers to help translate the Ultra High Definition video frames shot on a variety of 4k, 5k and other formats into the book as well as publicity material for the programs
Following on from my stills grading work on “Frozen Planet” I had a variety of image formats sent to me from RAW stills and RED video files for the main production to “behind the scenes” images shot in Jpeg and other formats.
As before it was my job to colour grade and balance the images to get across the content of the images and ensure that cast removal, contrast problems and framing issues were resolved so as to provide a consistent and coherent sets of images across the pages.
The work involved using RED Cine-X Pro for the video raw conversions and Photoshop to do most of the work with Lightroom acting as a visual database. Image delivery was via Google Drive and Dropbox.
As always it was very important to keep the veracity and integrity of the subject matter, having many wildlife photographers as clients help me judge things correctly and any local work is done to bring out detail in shadows/highlights to better capture the reality of the scene.
The book is available now, a good alternative to Amazon is Hive – The Hunt
If you or your organization are experiencing problems with stills image grading / retouching then please feel free to get in touch, I offer a professional and confidential service with full colour management and a quick turn round.
All retouched images can be provided in “packs” so each image results in a 16 bit master image for archiving , an 8 bit sharpened print tiff file for print uses and a quality 10 sRGB Jpeg for correct colour in web and other “on screen” uses. I can also size and sharpen for a specific print size in CMYK and get the most of out each image on the page.
Alternatively I can offer onsite training to your technical operators to show them how to get the most out of UHD video and stills images files when generating publicity or products from your productions.