Adobe have updated Lightroom 6 and CC today to version 6.2 (CC 2015.2)
I would advise clients not to apply this update yet as it significantly messes around with the critical import process.
Not only does it lose functionality (including the live destination tree view) it is also slower and buggier.
As most clients have a very structured import process that relies on presets to get the most efficient workflow I’m afraid preset access is now buried in the sub menu of a separate page when running the import.
I’m working through the new system now to try and engineer a replacement workflow that is as efficient so please bear with me whilst I do this. Once it is done I can advise each client on the best route for them.
It would appear that Adobe have changed the import process to simplify it for home users, the kind of people who use Photoshop elements rather than Photoshop. It would have been nice to have the option not to use this cut down version but Adobe have their own opinions.
Microsoft did something similar with Windows 8, they removed the start menu, the result was not good (until Windows 10 put it back), I don’t think Adobe have quite done a Microsoft but judging by feedback on the forums users are not best pleased by Adobes actions.
If the engineers at Adobe need something to do then I have plenty of useful suggestions including:
Managing duplicate images (retaining collection status)
File corruption checking of images
Larger curves adjustment boxes (sizable for other controls also)
Presenting a copyable
url for the web gallery uploads