Delighted to receive a book in the post this morning from Laurence Heyworth the managing director of Look and Learn.
Laurence through his website runs one of the largest online children’s art competitions in the world. This is a sister site to the main site which mainly licenses images from classic children’s publications from the 1960s and 1970s.
The book reproduces the winning images from a recent competition to create an image to celebrate the Queens 85th Birthday. Rather wonderfully Laurence has sent a digital photo frame containing all 14,928 entries from 64 countries to the Queen.
All credit to Laurence for giving children encouragment to produce artwork and giving them a solid platform to display their work to the world.
I helped develop imaging workflow at Look and Learn and have written custom Photoshop actions to make a variety of files from submitted work. It is the automation of file creation combined with tight network and web development by my colleague Edward Leigh that makes projects like this possible with minimal costs and effort compared to having to do things manually.