Apple have condescended to update their tired Mac Pros

No USB3 support, a bit so so, but at least they now have some current standard processors:

Its been a long long time since Apple thought of Creative professionals as an important market, guess making billions of dollars from the general public can turn your head like that.

Bitter? not at all 🙂 – just to confirm that in the Mac/PC wars I take the side of a disinterested party, they are both a pain!

Client Story: Fogdenphotos

Here is a recent shot from Michael Fogden of a rare Sword-billed Hummingbird. Michael took the shot after standing patiently for 7 hours, Patricia Fogden was on hand to signal when the bird was approaching. Its of course one thing to be dedicated but to match that dedication with superb ability makes Micheal an exceptional photographer.
This and lots of other new material will be appearing on Michael’s site

I updated this site recently for Susan Fogden to bring it up to the latest version of Imagefolio image database software. New functionality such as better metadata integration, lightbox control and many other new features that are very useful for picture researchers and picture buyers (our favourite people!)


Photoshop CS5 0.1 Update now out

As expected Adobe have cleaned up a few bugs from the code of Photoshop CS5. It looks like most of the serious ones are in the 64bit Mac version but this update also addresses PC issues.

The most annoying one for me was inconsistent performance when using keyboard shortcuts for zooming etc.

I recommend you install this update asap by selecting  “updates…” under the help menu in Photoshop.

Photoshop CS5 0.1 Update now out

As expected Adobe have cleaned up a few bugs from the code of Photoshop CS5. It looks like most of the serious ones are in the 64bit Mac version but this update also addresses PC issues.

The most annoying one for me was inconsistent performance when using keyboard shortcuts for zooming etc.

I recommend you install this update asap by selecting  “updates…” under the help menu in Photoshop.

BBC pays Getty for photo of own building

Whilst sending a tea boy out to take a snap doesn’t sound particularly right (do tea boys exist?) it does show how the large libraries have successfully setup the mindset of picture buyers.

Of course its not quite as simple as this, the BBC could well have a fixed deal where they pay a set fee to Getty and so sending someone outside would just add to costs, are you old enough to remember when things were a bit more simple?
